Mental Health Exam
Thursday 18th May, 2023
20minutes 47secs
For most of us, the thought of school brings back some pretty strong memories…and not just about school dinner. Our nostalgia might reflect on all the good memories, a simpler time maybe, for others it might bring back more difficult or even painful experiences. Depending on your era and background, the level of support you received - if any - to help you navigate the potentially challenging path through school, will have massively varied.
Is our mental health in schools outstanding? Or does it require improvement?
Let’s head back to school and chat to Louise Clarke and find out what an ELSA is.
< click player to listen.
Background on the ELSA role and Sheila Burton.
ELSA network:
Link to clinical psychologist Dr Naomi Fisher.
Gods Among Men by Prox-c.
Winds Howl by Ketsa